This condition occurs when the patella, or knee cap, is misaligned. When it is misaligned, it cannot slide along the groove in the femur when it moves. The patella can move out of this position as a result of an acute injury from a fall or a sudden movement, but one of the main causes is a misalignment that develops over a period of time. This misalignment occurs when the muscles that are meant to stabilize this joint and hold the knee cap in position begin pulling on the knee joint unevenly.
Muscle groups work in pairs. The pairs work opposite each other - one group extending while the other flexes, or bends the joint. In order to create stability, both groups need to pull on the joint evenly, creating equal tension in all directions. When one muscle group is tighter than its partner group, the tension is unequal and the patella is pulled out of position.
The tensor fascia lata is constantly relied upon by dancers as it is responsible for lifting the leg to the front and the side and rotating it inward.
The constant use of these two muscles causes the IT band to grow tight. Dancers need to stretch out the IT band often so it does not pull the knee joint out of position.
By simply being aware of which muscles might need some extra work and being sure to stretch every muscle equally, most chronic conditions relating to poor skeletal alignment can be avoided. It is extremely important for dancers to learn about muscular imbalances, to know their own bodies and to cross train to be healthy, strong dancers.
The constant use of these two muscles causes the IT band to grow tight. Dancers need to stretch out the IT band often so it does not pull the knee joint out of position.
By simply being aware of which muscles might need some extra work and being sure to stretch every muscle equally, most chronic conditions relating to poor skeletal alignment can be avoided. It is extremely important for dancers to learn about muscular imbalances, to know their own bodies and to cross train to be healthy, strong dancers.
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